Recently, I was prompted to reflect on my business model and “My why” for offering the services that I provide. That exercise was timely and marked an excellent opportunity for me to reflect on my journey thus far. In this New Year, I look forward to prosperity and blessings. In this blog, I have highlighted "my why" for the provision of services for those of you who are interested. I have also sprinkled in some fun facts about my early career and how it shaped my current work.
To begin, I started my career at the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh, (HACP). That was a phenomenal experience and laid the foundation for my career. I started as a legal intern. Next, I joined the Development & Modernization Division as a contract administrator. That was my first, real full-time job and there could not have been a more stellar leader of that department. The entire team of 50 people or more would attest to that. Redirecting to my early professional experience however, the contracts I managed were mainly for the revitalization/modernization of existing public housing units. Ultimately, I rose to Assistant Director of the division prior to leaving the agency.
During my time at HACP, as a naturally curious young professional, I would notice that not only was there a federal program to modernize public housing, the Comprehensive Grant Program (CGP) which I managed, there was a tremendous amount of buzz regarding the launch of a program to develop new housing and create mixed income communities. This is known as the HOPE VI program and it was brilliant. It provided the creation of mixed income communities and removing communities with high populations of low-income people in a small proximity. The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh was at the forefront of this new development as the first of this kind in the country. There was a team of bright minds dedicated to the submission of an application to be the first HOPE VI development in the country. I had the privilege of managing both the modernization and development programs and the brilliant team responsible for executing the scope and ensuring compliance for both of these cutting-edge programs. For the majority of this time, I would have to give credit to our then director of the Department of Development & Modernization. He created the environment for bright young minds to explore and as a result, innovative ideas were born that positioned us to be the first in the country to create these model HOPE VI communities. Pittsburgh recognizes these communities as the former Aliquippa Terrace, now Oak Hill, and the Manchester Community was no. 2. As a side note, one of the many reasons I loved my experience at the HACP was the tools that were available to not only impact the condition of the housing stock, there were opportunities to impact the people who reside there through homeownership and business initiatives. I always felt this was brilliant, especially for those of us who understood how to leverage them.
It was this early career experience that laid the foundation for my current work. Simply put, I have continued to build my career developing & managing economic development programs and projects that consider marginalized people, businesses, and communities. Because HACP is a publicly funded authority, we were required to consider low to moderate income people, in planning and service delivery. That was a privilege because I believe in the importance of equity and inclusion beyond performance. I am directly impacted and therein lies the reason it is central to my work. “My why”
It is important to mention that the effective management and administration of publicly funded programs and projects is a skill that requires experience, knowledge, and keen awareness. From that early experience I was able to lead a team as the youngest director of the Allegheny County Department. In that role, I was an original founding member of the Pa Unified Certification Program. This is a national disadvantaged business certification mandated by the United States Department of Transportation. I was also able to raise private funding to launch a Small Business Development and Technical Assistance program at no cost to the taxpayers. This innovative program that provided $2m to local minority and women owned firms in its first year remains in existence today, some 20 years later.
I can continue but I won't. Suffice it to say that I have had the privilege of working for many other government and private organizations, but these roles all relate to my early program and project management expertise. As founder of Key Players Consultancy, I provide my personal guarantee that you have an experienced partner. One who is tested and tried. I had the blessing of starting my career at the HACP during some phenomenally successful times for the agency, and under first class leadership. I am forever grateful for that early and comprehensive experience and how it shaped my career.
Today, as President of Key Players Consultancy, I offer program management/contract compliance/stakeholder and community engagement, all based on proven experience, in the following industries:
Local government
At Key Players Consultancy, we are leveraging this proven experience, in the design of this freelance consulting model with more than three decades of experience known as Key Players Consultancy:
Core Services
Community & Stakeholder Engagement
Contract Compliance
Procurement (Full lifecycle)
Program Management
Supplier Diversity
I truly care about all people. I care about my community. I am very experienced, and I understand how to get the work done, for real. I am motivated by the fact that I know firsthand what it feels like to be excluded and oppressed. Sometimes this oppression is caused by people who are of the same ethnicity as me.
For these reasons, I have a sense of responsibility to leverage my three decades of experience in some pretty cool, high-level places because it is invaluable when it comes to strategy and problem solving. I am happiest when I have an opportunity to explore ways to develop a program that meets the needs of the agency and the community it was intended to serve. This mutually beneficial problem solving is possible, I know because I have done it. Often times against the odds.
To summarize "my way" I care about people, businesses and communities and I recognize that experience matters.
What Inspired Key Players as Company’s Name
The importance of branding can't be overstated. It is helpful when the business name reflects the mission and provision of services. Combine this with the fact that I acknowledge that nothing will happen unless those in power are engaged. Therefore, the name Key Players Consultancy acknowledges the crucial role of decision makers in the provision of services, and it serves as a constant reminder so that I ensure that our culture reflects the importance of stakeholders who are also "key players" to our mission.
Thank you for the opportunity to reflect and share.
Wishing you and yours a very Happy, Healthy & Prosperous 2025.